Sofia Bowling

Choose Sofia Bowling if you want a quick and easy activity that everyone can have a crack at. Transfers, guide included.

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Home Destinations Sofia Sofia Bowling
1 hour game
Up to 8 lanes
4-6 people per lane
Private return transfers
Professional, local, female guide

Sofia Bowling provides fast, easy and fun group competitiveness in a central location. A great way to help the group bond at a cheap price.

You have 4-6 people per lane, and up to 8 lanes available, so plenty of space for event the biggest of Stag groups. Transfers and guide included.

Everyone’s ten-pin bowling ability fluctuates with alcohol, so get your excuses in early if your number of strikes diminishes with every pint you consume!

Small print

Activity Duration 2 hours including transfers
Group Size Minimum 6 people
Seasonality All year
Venue Just outside city centre
Travel Time 20 minutes from city centre