Work Hard Play Hard.
Here you can join one of fastest growing party travel operator in Europe.
Seeking an enthusiastic Office Support Specialist to join our vibrant travel agency team in Bratislava.
We are looking for a person whose main job will be in administrative activities, working with data, and preparing documents for an external accounting firm.
You will frequently engage with documents and communication in English, making proficiency in the language essential.
Type of Employment
Part-time – regular schedule, Internship, Student Job
Contract Term
Bratislava – Kramáre
Base hourly salary 6.00 EUR.
Bonuses up to 40% of the base salary.
Other Benefits
Option for remote (home-office) work post-probation up to 50% of your working hours.
Gaining practical professional experience (especially beneficial for for university students).
Opportunity for further career development including full-time employment.
Improvement of English language skills.
Gaining practical experience with AI tools.
Essential Requirements
Additional (Non-essential) Requirements
Deine Arbeit als Tourguide beinhaltet die Betreuung von Touristengruppen während ihres Wochenendaufenthalts in Bratislava.
Unsere Kunden sind Ausländer, die hauptsächlich zum Spaß nach Bratislava kommen.
Das Programm unserer Kunden umfasst adrenalingeladene Tagesaktivitäten und Nightlifetouren mit Stopps in Restaurants, Bars und Clubs. Oft reisen sie, um Junggesellenabschiede zu feiern.
Die Gruppen bestehen aus 3-25 Personen, meist Männer im Alter von 25-40 Jahren. Bei größeren Gruppen gibt es mehrere Guides.
Description du poste
Ton travail en tant que guide touristique implique de prendre soin des groupes de touristes pendant leur séjour de week-end à Bratislava. Nos clients sont des étrangers qui viennent principalement à Bratislava pour le plaisir. Le programme de nos clients comprend des activités diurnes pleines d’adrénaline et des visites nocturnes de restaurants, bars et discothèques. Ils voyagent souvent pour célébrer un enterrement de vie de garçon. Les groupes comptent de 3 à 25 personnes, principalement des hommes âgés de 25 à 40 ans. Il y a plus de guides avec les grands groupes.
Job Description
Your work as Tour Guide involves taking care of tourist groups during their weekend stay in Bratislava.
Our customers are foreigners who come to Bratislava mainly for fun.
The program of our clients includes adrenaline day-activities and nightlife visits to restaurants, bars and dance-clubs. They often travel to celebrate bachelor parties.
Groups consist of 3-25 people, mostly composed of men aged 25-40 years. There are more guides with larger groups.